
Conectando means to connect in English. Through the content on this page, you will find my attempt to communicate with you on a deeper level. These writings come from a place of love and shared with love. I hope you find something to Enjoy!

Q'uilla ~ Mit'a Apothecary Q'uilla ~ Mit'a Apothecary

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Contamana - Dieta
Q'uilla ~ Mit'a Apothecary Q'uilla ~ Mit'a Apothecary

Contamana - Dieta

Contamana, Peru - Inti Yacu

Dieta - Abuelito Tobacco

In the Summer 2024, I was blessed with the opportunity to be part of a 10 day dieta en Contamana, Pucallpa, in Peru. During these 10 days, I was refrained from making eye contact, touch, or communicate with others, ate only two meals free of sugar and Salt, and partook in Ancestral Ceremonies, honoring the guardians of the jungle that gave me a home during this time of healing. During this time of healing and rebirth, I came face-to-face with the most darkest and most vulnerable side of myself, and how I see myself connecting to the world around me and within. This was a time of full transformation. I give thanks for this opportunity of growth, and clarity. This space was held by my spiritual brother, Juan Carlos Taminchi, his beautiful family Maria, Herson, Virginia and Matias, and his partner, my spiritual sister, Harley Rose, who brought forth balance and calmnes to the space and to myself in a very loving and honorable way. Inti Yacu, gracias! In deep gratitude for all who shared this space and time togther, family who I know I have, love and love me from afar. Aho to all my relations! Jallalla ~ Chakana

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Tinctures, what is that?
Q'uilla ~ Mit'a Apothecary Q'uilla ~ Mit'a Apothecary

Tinctures, what is that?

What is a Tincture? Is it safe? Is it legal? This is a super easy read on Tinctures. I tried to answer often asked questions and hope you are able to find your answer here. Enjoy! Jallalla

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